Things You'll Need
Burlap sack
Fabric scissors
Hot glue
Plastic potatoes
Fabric pen
Darning needle

Burlap sacks most often hold potatoes or other vegetables, but they also come in handy for making simple Halloween costumes. With little sewing skills, turn a burlap sack into an inexpensive serf costume or pair it with a suit to create a frightening Scarecrow mask from Batman. Either way, the final product is inexpensive and requires little more than darning needle and some twine.
Sack of potatoes
Step 1
Using fabric scissors, cut a hole along the bottom seam of the sack for your head. Cut a hole large enough for your head and neck to fit through.
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Step 2
Cut two holes on either side of the bag for your arms. The holes should be below the sewn corners of the bag and wide enough for your arms to fit comfortably through.
Step 3
Hot glue plastic or Styrofoam potatoes around the neck of the costume. Look for these at your local craft or hobby store. Alternatively, to make your own potatoes, stuff five-inch sections of nylon stockings with cotton batting. Tie off the ends.
Step 4
Place the bag on your body, with your legs through the open end of the sack. If the burlap is too irritating, wear a T-shirt and shorts underneath to protect your skin.
Scarecrow mask
Step 1
Turn a small burlap sack inside out. The sack needs to be large enough for your head to fit comfortably inside. Using a knife, cut the open end of the bag to fray it. The ends should be jagged and worn-looking. Place the sack on the wearer's head. Use a fabric pen to mark the wearer's eyes and mouth. Remove the sack.
Step 2
Cut two circles for the eyes using a knife. Keep the cuts jagged.
Step 3
Bunch the fabric around the mouth. Use a darning needle and twine to sew stitches over the line of the mouth to make it look like the mouth was sewn shut.
Step 4
Draw a diagonal line from above the left eye to just above the left lip. Bunch the fabric up and sew along the line using more twine. Turn the sack right side out.
Step 5
Put the sack on the wearer's head. Tie a piece of twine around the neck to secure it. Finish the look with a suit and tie to look like Scarecrow from the The Dark Knight movie.
For added details to the sack of potatoes costume, paint the word "potatoes" across the front of the sack.
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