Olive branches, often associated with peace and purity, can easily be bunched together to make a wreath that showcases natural beauty and charm. It's a beautiful choice for decor any time throughout the year. Best of all, it can be made in a few easy steps.

Things You'll Need
Olive greens
Floral clippers
12-inch wreath form
Floral wire
Floral tape (optional)

Step 1: Separate the Branches
Starting with the olive greens, separate the branches from the bundle. See which branches are best to work with for your wreath. These come in large bundles rubber banded together. You can purchase these at your local flower marts or special order them with your local florist.
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Step 2: Clip the Ends
Clip the ends of your olive green stems. Leave about 1 to 2 inches of the stem to attach to the wire wreath frame.

Step 3: Tie and Secure the Wire on Wreath
Using your floral wire, wrap your olive greens to the 12-inch wire wreath. Start from the middle center going clockwise, securing your greens by wrapping it a few times. Cut the ends with your floral clippers. You can use floral tape to wrap around the wire, but it is optional. Continue wrapping your greens gently around your wire wreath. Repeat this technique again starting at the middle center going counter clockwise.

Step 4: Add More Greens
Continue adding more olive greens to your wreath by repeating step 3. This will make your wreath thick and full.

Step 5: Attach a Ribbon
Cut your ribbon 48 inches and wrap in between the wreath frame to hang. Once you have tied and secured it to your wreath, make a bow at the top and cut the ends even.

Step 6: Spray with Water
Spritz your beautiful olive wreath with water from time to time to keep it fresh looking. Hang on your door or wall and enjoy!

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