How to Prevent Ticks in Bed Sheets

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Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum

  • Sealable plastic storage bags

  • Laundry detergent

  • Pesticide

Keep your sheets clean and free of annoying ticks.

Ticks are arachnid pests which feed solely on blood from animals and humans. A tick begins searching for blood meals as a young six-legged larva, and it must continue feeding into adulthood. Because the pests cannot jump or fly, they rely on long-haired hosts, such as a family pet or house mouse, to gain access indoors. Once inside of a home, ticks may seek refuge under bedding in anticipation of a human host.


Step 1

Remove all bedding, including comforters and thin sheets, from the mattress.

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Step 2

Perform a thorough check of each sheet and vacuum up any ticks which may be clinging to the bedding. Also check between the mattress and box springs for additional pests.

Step 3

Vacuum the entire room thoroughly, paying special attention to corners and crannies. Check behind dressers and in the corners of closets as well.

Step 4

Place the vacuum's contents in a sealable plastic storage bag and dispose of it in your outside trash container. To kill the ticks prior to disposal, place the bag in a freezer overnight.


Step 5

Launder your sheets with hot water and a sufficient amount of detergent. Dry the sheets using the highest heat setting on the dryer.

Step 6

Spray a pesticide which is safe for interior use along the baseboards of each room to prevent future tick infestation.

Step 7

Keep any outside pets away from beds and couches, as this increases the chances of home tick infestation.


Check your sheets for ticks and wash them regularly to reduce the chance of future infestation.

Keep your yard well groomed and free of overgrown grass and plants. Also check that all outdoor storage containers are tightly sealed and free of holes or cracks.

Consult a professional pest removal service if your tick infestation is severe.


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