How to Pour Stout Beer

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Pouring the perfect glass of stout beer requires precision and a little patience.

Pouring beer is not as simple as you might think. There are a variety of different methods to consider and each is suited to a different type of beer. Stout is a type of beer made using roasted malt or barley. Most stout beers are characterized by a deep, dark coloration and a strong, bitter flavor. Pouring the perfect glass of stout beer requires a two stage process that allows the sediment to settle and also creates a dense, creamy head.


Step 1

Hold the glass at a 45 percent angle and position approximately one inch below the beer tap or bottle.

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Step 2

Open the tap fully and allow the glass to gradually fill. Alternatively, gently tilt the bottle to begin pouring. Try to maintain a steady and consistent stream.

Step 3

Close the tap or stop pouring the bottle once the glass is three-quarters full. Place the glass on a flat surface and allow the beer to settle for a couple of minutes.

Step 4

Place the glass directly underneath the beer tap or bottle in a vertical position and fill to the brim by pouring straight down the middle. This will ensure a smooth, distinctive head.


In order to create the perfect head the beer should be poured slowly. If the head grows too quickly stop pouring and allow the beer to rest for a moment.

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