How to Reheat Veal Parmigiana & Lasagna

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Things You'll Need

  • Microwave-safe plate

  • Knife

  • Spoon

  • Paper towel

  • Baking sheet

  • Aluminum foil

Lasagna is better warm.

Enjoy leftover veal parmigiana or lasagna by reheating it. Veal parmigiana, a dish where the meat is breaded and covered in cheese and sauce, tastes better warm. Lasagna, a pasta dish dish made with layers of noodles, tomato sauce, meat and cheese, also is more appetizing reheated. You can reheat the food in either a microwave or an oven. Both methods work effectively. If you reheat the food in an oven, you do have to watch it carefully to prevent burning. The method you use depends on your personal preference and how much time you have. Microwaves heat faster.



Step 1

Cut the amount of veal parmigiana or lasagna you wish to serve. Scoop the cut amount onto a microwave-safe plate. If reheating lasagna, cut the pasta into two-inch by two-inch cubes. Because of the lasagna's thickness, it heats more evenly in smaller chunks.

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Step 2

Lay a paper towel over the veal parmigiana or lasagna. The paper towel catches any grease, sauce or cheese spatters during heating. Place it in the microwave.

Step 3

Microwave the veal parmigiana on high for 40 to 45 seconds, or the lasagna on high for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Remove the paper towel once it's done cooking. Check to see if it is heated through. If it is not, replace the paper towel and cook for another 30 seconds. Heat in additional 30-second increments until hot. When the dish is steaming, it is ready to eat.



Step 1

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2

Place the veal parmigiana or lasagna on a baking sheet.


Step 3

If you are making veal, cover it with aluminum foil. Put the sheet in the oven. Heat the veal parmigiana for 20 minutes. Remove the baking sheet. Check the food to see if it is hot enough to eat. If not, put in the oven for 5-minute increments until it is done.

Step 4

If you are making lasagna, remove the top layer of cheese on the lasagna and place it on a plate (removing the cheese layer prevents it from burning). If the lasagna is more than 6 inches square, cut it in half for more even heating. Cover the lasagna with aluminum foil. Heat the lasagna for 15 to 17 minutes.


Step 5

Remove the lasagna from the oven and replace the cheese layer on the top. Recover the lasagna with aluminum foil. Heat for another 10 minutes. Remove the baking sheet. Check the food to see if it is hot enough to eat. If not, put in the oven for 5-minute increments until it is done.


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