Things You'll Need
Pruning shears
Rubbing alcohol

Passion fruit vines come in two varieties: purple and yellow. The purple variety grows in subtropical areas, producing deep purple, near-black fruits, while the yellow variety grows in tropical areas and produces yellow fruits. Both varieties have dull white flowers with deep blue centers, though the yellow passion fruit's flowers are showier. The passion fruit vine may survive as few as three years but can live five to six years when pruned correctly, and in some climates grows even older.
Step 1
Care for the vine for the first two years, allowing it to climb a trellis and gather its strength for producing fruit in the third year. Pruning at this point would hinder production.
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Step 2
Prepare for pruning in late winter or early spring of the second growing season, when the vine is not actively growing. Wipe the blades of the pruning shears with a clean rag dipped in rubbing alcohol to prevent the spread of disease between your plants.
Step 3
Cut weak and dead branches back to the stem. Increasing the airflow in this way helps the plant resist diseases and pests.
Step 4
Snip all offshoots of the passion fruit back to well-budded, healthy parts of the stem. A general rule is to cut back about one-third of the growth. This keeps the vine in check and increases fruit production for the year.
Step 5
Prune yearly for best results. With regular pruning, the plant could live up to eight or 10 years.
In areas with warm winters, prune right after harvest rather than waiting for winter.
In a very hot climate, allow the vine to grow into a canopy to protect the fruit from too much sun.
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