Things You'll Need
Toggle, hook-and-eye or cord cap-end clasps
Jump rings
Swivel-style cuff links
Chain-style cuff links
Chain-nose pliers
Wire cutters
Bead board

Cuff links are classic accessories that fasten together both sides of a shirt or blouse cuff. They come in a variety of styles from a simple monogram to jewel-encrusted to fun, whimsical designs. Cuff links come in two basic functional designs. The chain design has two end pieces connected with a small chain. The swivel design has a central post and a smaller post. The smaller post is pushed through the button hole and swiveled across the bottom to hold the cuff link in place. Both the chain and swivel cuff links can be converted into fashion bracelets.
Using Chain-Style Cuff Links
Step 1
Cut the chain from the cuff link with the wire cutters, leaving one link of chain to attach the cuff link to the bracelet. Discard the excess chain.
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Step 2
Measure and cut the chain for the bracelet to your desired length. Lay the chain out flat on the bead board. Space the cuff links evenly across the length of the chain.
Step 3
Open a jump ring with the chain-nose pliers. Slide it onto the chain in one of the places where you want a cuff link and add a cuff link to the jump ring. Close the jump ring. Repeat this process until all the cuff links are connected to the chain.
Step 4
Add one side of the clasp to one end of the chain with a jump ring. Add the other side of the clasp to the other side of the chain.
Using Swivel-Style Cuff Links
Step 1
Measure and cut the cord to the length you desire for the bracelet.
Step 2
Dip the tip of the cord in epoxy. Slide it through the open end of the cord cap-end clasp. Let it dry. Once dry, pull the cord to make sure it is securely attached.
Step 3
Lay out the cord flat on the bead board. Arrange the cuff links along the cord in the pattern you desire.
Step 4
Open the swivel of each cuff link and slide it onto the cord. Place a dab of epoxy between the cuff link and cord. Continue until all cuff links are attached to the cord. Let it dry.
Step 5
Repeat Step 2 on the opposite end of the cord and finish the clasp.
Use sandpaper to smooth off the rough edges of the chain cuff links after you cut off the extra chain to keep it from snagging your clothing.
You can use satin ribbon or braid the cord for added dimension.
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