Things You'll Need
Masking tape
Plastic wrap
Plaster strips
Round pencil
Craft knife
Acrylic paint

It wasn't until the third installment of the original "Friday the 13th" series that the iconic battered hockey mask appeared on horror villain Jason Voorhees — in the first two movies, he covered his disfigured face with a canvas bag. Since then, nothing says "slasher" like an old hockey mask. Chances are, you won't find the old-style mask in sporting goods stores, and high-quality Jason masks can be expensive. Make your own, as a creepy decoration or Halloween mask, using newspaper, masking tape and plaster strips.
Step 1
Sketch the shape of the Jason mask on a piece of cardboard. If you need a guide, you can download a PDF of the mask on the official "Friday the 13th" movie site.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Cut out the mask shape.
Step 3
Crumple newspaper and tape it on top of the cardboard with masking tape to make a dome. This will be the mask form, so make it close to the size and shape of your face. Cover the paper completely with strips of the tape.
Step 4
Cover the mask form with plastic wrap, taping the ends to the back to secure.
Step 5
Dip the plaster strips in warm water and lay them in a single layer over the mask form, including the spaces for the eyes. Continue to add strips to build up the shape of the mask, giving the mask four or five layers. Use the official mask PDF or a movie photo as a guide.
Step 6
Allow the mask to dry overnight.
Step 7
Paint a layer of gesso over the mask, and allow it to dry. As it starts to dry, use the flat end on a round pencil to create the shallow holes that cover the mask, using a picture of the mask as a guide.
Step 8
Cut out the eyeholes using a craft knife.
Step 9
Paint the mask using acrylic paint, using a picture as a guide. Don't make the mask pure white; instead, give it an off-white base and dry brush tan and gray paint over the surface to make it look weathered.
Step 10
Paint a dull red inverted triangle across the brow and two narrow triangles on each cheek; use masking tape to make clean lines. Paint dark gray on the inside of the shallow holes.
If you can't find plaster strips, use newspaper strips and papier-mâché paste.
Video of the Day