Things You'll Need
Small pieces of driftwood
Beach glass
Glass orbs
Dune grass
Small pine cones

That soft, smooth wood you see scattered along the coastline at the beach is driftwood, which is collected and used in a variety of craft and art projects. Driftwood is any wood from boats, ships or other wood pieces that get worked over many times by sea and sand before washing up on shore. Use it to make sculpture projects that you can sell at art and craft festivals or give as gifts to friends and family.
Step 1
Clean all driftwood pieces thoroughly. Brush the sand off with a cleaning brush, then rinse with water and allow to dry.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Glue small pieces of driftwood to a larger piece of driftwood. Use any pattern you see fit. Allow to dry. The shape and size of the small pieces along with the shape and size of the large piece are up to you.
Step 3
Glue "nautical" pieces to the sculpture such as assorted shells, beach glass, pine cones, dune grass and glass orbs. Place shells and beach glass in between the small glued pieces and keep the grass, pine cones and orbs for the top of your sculpture. Allow to dry.
Step 4
Display sculpture as desired. Donate it to an art auction or give the sculpture as a gift.
Other ideas for driftwood sculpture include gluing pieces in the shape of a heart.
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