How to Make a Necktie Pillow

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Things You'll Need

  • Ties

  • Scissors

  • Measuring tape

  • Straight pins

  • Matching thread

  • Sewing machine

  • Cotton fabric (optional)

  • Polyester batting

  • Hand sewing needle

Recycle a collection of old ties that won't be worn again by stitching them into a throw pillow. If you have any ties that are stained or have worn areas, simply trim those areas off before turning the ties into the pillow. Mix and match colors and patterns or use an assortment of ties in the same color family. Use ties all over the pillow or on the front only and a piece of cotton for the back.


Step 1

Cut any stains or areas that are worn off of the ties. Discard the stained or worn out pieces.

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Step 2

Cut the pointy bottom off of each tie so that every tie has a flat bottom. Cut the ties into 15-inch-long strips.

Step 3

Lay the ties out on a flat surface, side by side. You will have to alternate the ties so that the wider bottom of one tie is next to the narrower top of another, to make a rectangular shape.

Step 4

Place one tie on top of the tie next to it, right sides facing each other. Pin the ties together along one long side, then stitch together with a straight stitch, 1/4 inch from the edge. Unfold the ties, then place another tie on top, right sides together, pin and sew. Continue adding ties until you have a piece of fabric that measures 15 inches square. You may have to trim a bit off of the ties to get the fabric square.


Step 5

Repeat the process of sewing the ties together for the back of the pillow, if you'd like.

Step 6

Place the two 15-inch tie squares on top of each other, right sides facing in. If you're using the cotton fabric for the back, place the tie square on top of the fabric, right sides facing in. Pin together on all four sides, then sew 1/2 inch away from the edge. Leave a 4-inch gap for turning the pillow right side out and stuffing.


Step 7

Turn the tie pillow right side out. Stuff it with the batting until it's firm. Tuck the raw edges of the opening under, then hand sew shut.


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