How to Make Popcorn Without Hulls

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Things You'll Need

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil or melted butter

  • Large pot, with lid

  • Stove

  • 1 tsp. kosher salt

  • Melted butter or seasonings

Popcorn is a staple for watching movies however, when hulless, it allows more people to enjoy it.

Fibre-filled popcorn, low in calories and sugar, is the perfect snack. However, for those with dentures and sensitive gums it can be tiresome and even painful to have kernals stuck in teeth. Those with celiac diseas cannot enjoy popcorn as well, due to the tough kernals that may accentuate pain and irritation in the gut. To reduce this, kernal free popcorn can be popped for a healthy and pain-free snack. While all popcorn needs this kernal to pop, varieties of popcorn can be purchased where the hull, or kernal, shatters when it pops, automatically removing it before eating.


Step 1

Pour the olive oil or melted butter in to the large pot. Place it on the stove at medium-high heat.

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Step 2

Test the pot for readiness by dropping one drop of water in it. If it sizzles, the pot is ready.


Step 3

Pour in the hulless popcorn, so it is one kernal deep. Place the lid on the pot.

Step 4

Shake the pot slowly to move the popcorn around. Continue to shake as the popcorn begins to pop.

Step 5

Heat the popcorn until it has two to five seconds in between each popping sound. Remove the popcorn from the stove, still covered.


Step 6

Remove the lid once the popping sound stops. Sprinkle the salt over the popcorn.

Step 7

Pour the melted butter or sprinkle the seasonings, such as parmesean, over the popcorn. Toss it to coat every piece evenly. Serve right away while warm and fresh.


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