We're using our magical, mystical, fortune-teller powers, and without a doubt, we see some spook-tacular Halloween decorations in your future—like this DIY glowing crystal ball. Made with an acrylic globe light cover, it even displays a phantom apparition. The spirits predict that it will be a big hit for your Halloween haunt or haunted mansion.
This Halloween prop is easy to make with some basic supplies you can get at your local craft store. Follow the full video tutorial for making the magic crystal ball and enjoy the process of creating Halloween crafts for your holiday home decor.
Video of the Day
Things You'll Need
10-inch clear acrylic globe
Clear cellophane wrap
Colored cellophane wrap
LED fairy string light
Image printed on transparency film
Black fabric

Choose a clear globe
A 10-inch clear acrylic globe used for light fixtures makes the perfect DIY crystal ball. You can find them at lighting supply stores or even online at stores like Amazon. If possible, select a globe that has a neck and is similar in shape to a snow globe so that the globe is slightly raised. The globes also come in various diameters, so find the size that fits your DIY decor scheme.

Fill it with cellophane
Place three sheets of clear cellophane wrap (approximately 12 inches by 30 inches each) in the globe, scrunching the sheets as you insert them. Cellophane wrap is available at party supply and craft stores.

Add colored cellophane
Cut three to four smaller sheets (about 6 inches by 12 inches) of colored cellophane and insert them in the globe, positioning them between the sheets of clear cellophane. Red cellophane is used in this example, but you can use whatever color you desire. The colored cellophane looks like smoke wafting in the globe.

Insert fairy lights
Insert a string of battery-operated LED fairy lights in the globe, sliding the strand between the layers of cellophane to space the lights evenly. Turn on the fairy lights so you can see them as you position them.
A string of about 30 lights is sufficient to light up the globe, and you can purchase the lights at craft stores. I prefer fairy lights to traditional string lights for these DIY crafts because the lights are connected by a thin wire that is practically invisible. Just avoid incandescent string lights since they generate heat.

Print an image on transparency film
For a truly eerie crystal ball, we need a spectral visitor floating in the globe. To accomplish this illusion, find a picture of a scary face and take the picture (or an image file) to a copy store to have it printed on printable transparency film. You can even print it at home if you have the transparency paper. Cut around the image with scissors.

Slide the image into the glass ball
Position the image against the inside surface of the globe, allowing the scrunched-up cellophane to hold it in place. Because the image is on transparency film, it looks like it is floating, and you can see through it. Spooky!

Add more cellophane
Now that the fairy lights and spectral image are in place, stuff more colored cellophane in the Halloween DIY globe to keep everything from moving around. One sheet that is about 12 inches by 30 inches should be enough.

Display the glass globe on a vase
Find a vase or flower pot with a base that is the same size as the base of the acrylic globe. Turn the vase upside down and display the crystal ball on top of it for your next Halloween party or haunted house.

Wrap black fabric around the vase to hide the fairy lights' battery pack. When the lights in the room are dimmed, the crystal ball comes to life as the combination of cellophane and fairy lights makes the sphere glow like magic. The ghostly apparition greets those who dare to test their fortune-teller abilities and stare into the crystal ball.