How to Cook Frozen Flounder Fish

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Things You'll Need

  • Frozen flounder fillet

  • Large baking dish

  • Paper towel

  • 2 tbsp. butter

  • 1/2 cup fish stock

  • 1/2 cup white wine

  • 1 tsp. tarragon

  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice

  • Pinch salt

  • 1 tsp. ground black pepper

  • Fork

The flounder fish provides a tasty meat that can be frozen in order to preserve it for future use.

Fkounder is usually associated with the 1980s Disney movie character in "The Little Mermaid." However, the fish is also a tasty main for any dish. The large, flat fish is found in both the Northern Pacific and Atlantic oceans. A main fish for centuries, the flounder is often preserved through freezing for future use. With a few simple techniques before cooking, flounder that has been frozen can be enjoyed year round.


Step 1

Place the frozen flounder in the large baking dish. Insert the dish in to the refrigerator and allow it to thaw, slowly, for 24 hours.

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Step 2

Rinse the fillet under running water. Pat it dry, gently so as not to ruin the flesh, with paper towel.

Step 3

Grease the baking dish with butter. Place the fish in the middle of the dish.

Step 4

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour the fish stock and white wine over the fish.

Step 5

Sprinkle the tarragon, salt and black pepper evenly over the fish and pour the lemon juice around it. Insert the baking dish in to the oven.


Step 6

Cook the fish for about eight minutes, or until the meat turns opaque, yet still remains moist and flakes when a fork is inserted in to the deepest part.

Step 7

Remove the fish and serve it immediately, with the sauce drizzled over top.


Thawed flounder can be cooked in a variety of ways with many different seasonings.


Do not thaw flounder too fast, as this can break down the flesh and cause it to become mushy.


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