How to Get Rid of Acorns

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Things You'll Need

  • Rake

  • Nut roller or harvester

  • Leaf blower

Acorns fall out of the oak tree in late summer to early fall.

Acorns can be quite a nuisance when they litter large areas of your yard. They can damage expensive yard equipment such as lawn mowers, and become dangerous when mower blades hit them. The only way get rid of acorns permanently is to cut down the oak tree that produces them. However, if you don't want to go to the extreme of removing the tree, there are a few other ways to get rid of acorns.


Step 1

Pick the acorns up by hand. Try getting the whole family involved to make it go faster. If you have kids, you could make a game out of it. Try having a contest with a prize to whoever brings in the most acorns.

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Step 2

Rake them up into a pile and then dispose of them. Rakes with tines that are close together are ideal for catching the acorns.

Step 3

Purchase equipment that is specifically made for gathering acorns. Examples include nut rollers and harvesting machines, such as those made by Bag-A-Nut and Nut Wizard.

Step 4

Use a high-powered leaf blower to blow all the acorns into one area so they are easier to gather. If your property is adjacent to a forest or other uninhabited area, you can blow the acorns there and let the wild animals forage on them.


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