Things You'll Need
Polymer clay
Casting powder
Small plastic containers
Acrylic powder
Latex or thin rubber gloves
Wood stick for mixing
Rotary tool
Denture adhesive (optional)

Realistic vampire fangs are the finishing touch to add a creep factor to your Halloween costume. Nothing is worse than creating a great costume then slapping in some plastic teeth that just don't cut it, so to speak. While you can buy realistic vampire fangs, they can be expensive and even then may not fit your teeth well. There is a way to make realistic fangs at home that are custom made to fit your teeth.
Make The Impression
Step 1
Mold a polymer clay block into a round or curved shape that resembles the shape of your upper and lower jaw. You are going to make an impression of your teeth in this clay to cast your mold from. Once the clay is formed, bite down into the clay and make your impression. Press firmly making sure the teeth are well embedded in the form to get a clear copy of the shape of your teeth.
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Step 2
Place the impression in a shallow plastic container with the tooth impression side up. You can spray the container with mold release or a thin coating of oil cooking spray. Use a small block of wood that is at least 1 inch wide and press it into the clay in the area where there is no tooth impression. This is to allow access to remove the clay later when the casting has hardened.
Step 3
Mix the casting powder according to directions and pour over the mold. Tap it gently once the clay is completely covered to remove air bubbles. Let harden.
Step 4
Gently remove the cast from the container. Pull out the block of wood to get access to the clay. Dig the clay out carefully to reveal the tooth mold. The clay should come out in large pieces and not stick inside the mold. You can carve a larger opening but do so carefully, making sure you are not cutting into any areas of the tooth mold. Once you remove the clay you should see a mold of your teeth.
Step 5
Use the hacksaw to cut away the excess casting so you can work with the teeth.
Making The Teeth
Step 1
Work outside in a well ventilated area for this step, and wear protective gloves. Mix together acrylic powder with the monomer that activates it. You can also acrylic powder sold in beauty supply stores, however the dental powder comes in realistic tooth colors so you can match it to your own. The acrylic sets up very quickly, so you need to work fast on this step.
Step 2
Place a glob of the resulting putty-like mix onto one of the canine teeth of your impression. You don't have time to sculpt the tooth, the important part of this step is to make sure the putty sets well onto the tooth so the inside fit is good for your teeth. Don't put too much of the acrylic into the tooth impression, you are going to be carving most of it away to shape the tooth, -- the more you pile on, the more you will remove later. Do this for each of the canine teeth, upper and lower if you wish.
Step 3
Grind away the excess acrylic using the rotary tool with a grinding tip in graduated sizes. Leave an area above the tooth to fit over the gum. Shape the tooth as realistically as you like. Experiment with different tips and shapes to get the result you desire -- just don't grind away too much of the cast and weaken it. Use a polishing tip when done to shine the teeth.
Step 4
Cure the teeth for at least 3 days. This is a critical step. Acrylic is toxic until completely cured, do not place the teeth in your mouth for at least this amount of time.
Step 5
Test the fit of your fangs once they have cured. The teeth should snap up right over your own teeth, as the interior of each tooth was custom molded to yours. If you have any difficulty keeping them in place, use a small amount of denture adhesive inside the teeth.
Create a mold of both your bottom and top teeth if you wish to check for fit as you carve your fangs and simultaneously create a lower set of fangs. You can also create double fangs, or any variation you desire.
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