Things You'll Need
Measuring tape
Jewelry wire
2 open jump rings
2 jewelry clamps

In large facilities that focus on health care, such as a medical school or hospital, numerous people will have stethoscopes. This important piece of equipment plays a vital role in diagnosing certain ailments as well as in routine checkups. Stethoscopes are a personal device, with each doctor and nurse using her own. Because of their similar appearance, they can be easy to misplace if you aren't careful. Making a beaded stethoscope ID tag helps to eliminate this problem by giving it a personalized appearance.
Step 1
Measure the "U" shaped area between the two earpiece sections. This is the location where stethoscope tags usually go.
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Step 2
Cut a piece of jewelry wire to the length of the measurement plus 2 inches.
Step 3
Lay out your beads on the table in front of you. Place each bead in the order you want it to go on the wire to plan the pattern.
Step 4
Thread the end of one of the wires through an jewelry open jump ring. Make sure the jump ring is wide enough to fit around the circumference of the stethoscope tubing. Wrap the wire in a small loop and secure into place with a jewelry clamp by pinching it shut with pliers at the point where the two pieces of wire meet.
Step 5
Thread the beads onto the wire in the order of your choice. Once you reach the other end of the wire, form a loop around another open jump ring and secure the ring to the wire with another jewelry clamp to complete the tag.
Step 6
Install the stethoscope ID tag onto the equipment by using a pair of jewelry pliers to open the end of each open jump ring. Slide the open jump rings around either side of the base of the "U" shaped area of the stethoscope. Clamp them shut with the pliers so they stay on securely.
Unlike ID tags for luggage, for safety reasons, some medical professionals opt to only use their initials or first name on stethoscope ID tags instead of their full names.
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