How to Organize a Tricky Tray

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Raise money for your next cause through a "tricky tray" fundraiser.

If you are brainstorming ideas for your next church or school fundraiser, then consider organizing a "tricky tray" event. A tricky tray fundraiser involves attendees purchasing tickets for a certain amount of money and then dropping their tickets in buckets or canisters positioned by items they would like to win. Purchase more tickets and place them in the bucket beside prized winnings to increase chances of getting the prize.


Step 1

Gather together the fundraising committee to discuss the details of the tricky tray fundraiser. You will need top prizes to pull off this event. Assign each member of the committee the task of collecting two big items for the event. Members can canvas the community and ask business owners for donations such as gift certificates, CDs, clothing, lessons for dancing and cooking, etc. Be creative.


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Step 2

Set up long card tables and cover them with cloth table cloths.

Step 3

Set up each item on the long tables, leaving about 6 inches in between each item. If you have a gift certificate, frame it in a simple frame with a backing so that the frame can be positioned upright on the table.


Step 4

Beside each item, place a uniform pail or wooden box with a slot. This is where attendees will drop their tickets.

Step 5

Order a roll of tickets with numbers on them. Sell the tickets for a set price -- such as $1 apiece.


Step 6

Announce your tricky tray event to the congregation. Print flyers and post them around your community. Write a letter or email to those involved encouraging them to spread the word.

Step 7

Draw one ticket per pail or box on the night of the event. The ticket holder will receive the prize corresponding to the pail.

Video of the Day

