Instructions for Two-Cord Braids

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Things You'll Need

  • Scissors

  • Safety pin

  • Cushion

Yarn can be used to create a two-cord braid.

Braiding, also known as plaiting, is the process of interweaving several strands of rope or hair. The traditional braiding technique uses three strands of cord; however, just two cords can be braided using the chain-braid technique. Braided cords can be used to create friendship bracelets, necklaces and cell phone holders. You can select two different colored cords to create a stylish braided item that reflects your personality and individual style.


Chain Braid

Step 1

Cut two equal pieces of cord. Position the cords so that they both start at the same point.

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Step 2

Make a small loop in the top of the cords, and insert the top ends of the cords through the loop to create a single knot. Insert the safety pin through the center of the knot, and attach it to the cushion. Place the cushion on your lap.

Step 3

Place the left-hand cord over the right-hand cord, and pull it back under the cord through the loop it just created. Place the right-hand cord over and back under the left-hand cord, and pull it back through the loop it just created. Repeat this technique until the desired length of cord is braided.


Step 4

Pull the ends of the cord tightly to secure the knots. Trim off any excess cord with the scissors. Remove the safety pin from the top of the loop.

Spiral Braid

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Step 1

Cut two pieces of cord, with one piece twice the length of the other.


Step 2

Tie a single knot approximately 1 inch below the top of the cord. Insert the safety pin through the single knot and attach the cords to the cushion.

Step 3

Arrange the cords so that they are both lying vertically in front of you. The strand on the left-hand side is called strand 1, the strand on the right hand side is called strand 2. Pick up strand 1 and place it over strand 2 and back under and through the loop you just created. Pull the cord tightly. Repeat this technique, only ever knotting strand 1 over strand 2, until the desired length of cord has been braided. This will create a spiral knotted braid.


Scissors should only be used under the supervision of responsible adults.

