How to Make a Homespun Rag Garland

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Homespun fabric is widely used for country and primitive decorating. It is durable cotton woven into plaid patterns using muted colors. Popular colors include navy blue, burgundy, dark green and mustard yellow. Homespun fabric is used to make home accents such as curtains, place mats and quilts. It can also be used to make homespun rag garlands. These garlands can hang over a mantel or window and are easy to make.


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Things You'll Need

  • Rotary Cutter

  • Scissors

  • Cutting Mat

  • Homespun Cotton Fabric

  • Measuring Tape

  • Twine

Step 1

Measure the twine to the length desired for the garland plus six inches.

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Step 2

Cut the twine with scissors.


Step 3

Fold over the last 3 inches of twine and make an overhand loop knot to create a loop for hanging the garland. Make another knotted loop at the other end of the twine.


Step 4

Cut the homespun fabric into 2-by-6-inch pieces, using scissors or a rotary cutter. Allow three to four pieces for each inch of twine.


Step 5

Lay the first piece of fabric lengthwise under the twine. Tie the fabric onto the twine using a double knot. Continue to tie on pieces of fabric.



Step 6

Push the fabric pieces toward the end loop of the twine.


Step 7

Fill the twine with fabric pieces. Adjust the knotted fabric until it is evenly dispersed across the garland.


Use pinking shears or a rotary blade of similar shape for a patterned edge on the fabric. Add large wood beads between sections of fabric. Wash and dry any stiff fabric before cutting to remove sizing.


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