Things You'll Need
Non-abrasive, all purpose cleaner
Water-based primer

Kitchen walls, especially around the stove are often covered with grease spots and stains from the normal routine of cooking. To save yourself time and money, take the necessary steps to treat the walls before any painting is done, since you cannot paint over grease. The stains will ultimately bleed through layers of paint, causing spotting and discoloration. Without removing excess grease and using an appropriate primer, you will have a freshly painted wall, still with grease spots.
Step 1
Spray the all-purpose, non-abrasive cleaner directly onto the grease stains. Allow for the cleaner to sit for one minute. Wipe the cleaner off with a damp sponge. Let it dry.
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Step 2
Apply the primer in the same manner as painting. A brush, roller or sprayer are all acceptable tools for primer application. Coat the entire wall with the primer. Concentrate on covering the stained areas with a slightly thicker layer. Wait until it is completely dry.
Step 3
Test a patch of the wall. Apply the paint to the stained area. If the stain bleeds through after it has dried, apply a second coat of the primer. Allow for a longer drying time. Test the same patch again. Repeat the test until stain does not bleed through. This normally should not take more than two coats of primer.
Step 4
Paint the wall with your desired color.
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