Things You'll Need
Sewing machine or needle and thread
Rickrack (optional)
Fabric paint (optional)

Getting to and from the beach or pool can require an armful of toys and water accessories. While in transition, the last thing you want to worry about is the towel falling off yourself or your little ones. A towel poncho can solve your problem, and creating one yourself requires only beginner sewing skills, a few tools and less than an hour of your time. If you are making a towel poncho for an adult, consider choosing longer towels, also known as bath sheets.
Step 1
Select your towel. You may have a few around the house that you don't mind converting. You can also take a trip to the clearance section of your local warehouse or department store and purchase one in your preferred length and color.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Cut the neck hole. Fold the towel in half and line up the edges to ensure the neck hole is centered. Cut a neck hole out of the towel. The shape of the hole is up to you and your comfort level. Some prefer a v-neck shape, while others want a wide neck hole or just enough room to fit their head through.
Step 3
Stitch the neck hole closed. Using your sewing machine or needle and thread, stitch the hole to prevent frayed edges from irritating you while you wear the poncho.
Step 4
Stitch the sides. If you want more coverage for the poncho, optionally stitch the sides closed starting six inches from the top, and continuing down the side. Six inches should leave plenty of room for armholes.
Step 5
Embellish your poncho. Add decorative elements such as ribbon, fabric paint in dots or patterns, or whatever items you'd like on your towel poncho. This step can be made into a craft project for kids with adult supervision. You could even cut the bottom into 1/2-inch strips to create a fringe.
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