A stockpile of frozen spaghetti sauce simplifies meal preparation since you aren't making fresh sauce each time you need it. You can also safely refreeze the sauce if you thaw out too much. You need to cook the sauce again before you refreeze it, especially if it contains meat. Always thaw spaghetti sauce in the fridge and avoid storing it at room temperature. Thawing at room temperature can cause harmful illness-causing bacteria to grow in the sauce.
Step 1
Pour the sauce into a clean freezer-safe storage container. Leave one inch of space at the top of the container. Vent the lid of the container so steam escapes and doesn't condensate on the interior of the container during the cooling period.
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Step 2
Cool the spaghetti sauce in a container in the refrigerator after reheating it. Cooling the sauce quickly to a temperature between 34 and 40 F – the temperature maintained in most refrigerators – prevents bacterial growth.
Step 3
Seal the container closed after the spaghetti sauce has cooled completely. Move the container into the freezer.
Step 4
Store the frozen spaghetti sauce for up to one year. Figure the storage time from the date you originally froze the sauce, not from when you refroze it.
Food must be heated to at least 140 F to kill bacteria and harmful organisms, advises the United States Department of Agriculture. Cooking the spaghetti sauce to at least this temperature before refreezing helps keep the food safe.
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