How to Melt Brass at Home

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Things You'll Need

  • Brass pieces

  • Metal-melting furnace

  • Welder’s apron

  • Safety welder’s gloves

  • Eye protection goggles

  • Metal tongs

  • Crucible

  • Mold

Before the 18th century, brass was not easy to make. The metal, a yellow alloy of copper and zinc, melts at 788 degrees Fahrenheit and boils at 1,742 F. In those days, charcoal could not generate the heat needed to reduce the zinc oxide. Today, people can melt brass at home. Brass is used to make a variety of items, including bullets, sundials and sculptures. Brass is also used to make doorknobs, coins, and bolts. Using brass can simply be a hobby or a home-based business. Following the steps below, anyone can melt brass.


Step 1

Clean the brass pieces. In order for the brass to melt properly, it must be free of nonmetallic residue.

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Step 2

Heat the furnace. Make sure there are no flammable materials near the furnace.

Step 3

Put on the safety welder's apron, gloves, and goggles.

Step 4

Using the tongs, place the crucible in the furnace according to the instructions that came with the furnace.

Step 5

Test a small piece of the brass in the crucible to see that it melts properly.


Step 6

Decide the amount of brass you wish to melt and place the brass into the crucible in the furnace. Allow the brass to melt. Using the tongs, pour the melted brass into the mold and let cool.


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