Even those most adept with a needle and thread can have trouble when it comes to sewing elastic fabric. For that reason, there is a great temptation to throw out swimsuit bottoms that have a small tear you could fix in a flash were the swimsuit made of any other material. Yet if you have another old swimsuit on hand, you have all the material you need to make your own patch and fix your favorite poolside outfit.

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Things You'll Need
Old Swimsuit
Washable Fabric Adhesive
Step 1
Cut a patch from your "scrap" swimsuit, about 1 inch in diameter bigger than the tear in your suit.
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Step 2
Attach the patch to your suit by spreading a ring of adhesive on the inside of the suit around the tear. Place the patch on the adhesive and allow it to dry.
Step 3
Use a needle and thread to darn the edges. Darning is the practice of sewing back and forth around the edges.
Shop at thrift stores for extra swimsuit material to use for patches, especially if color is a concern.
Follow all label instructions when using adhesive.