Things You'll Need
EPA-sanctioned pesticides (optional)
Animal repellent (optional)
Cayenne pepper (optional)
Chicken wire (optional)

Skunks dig up lawns looking for insect grubs under the soil. They also dig under porches and sheds to sleep or care for their babies. Their presence in your yard can be a nuisance to you and your animals, especially if they get scared or angry and spray in self-defense. Digging can be prevented by using several chemical or natural remedies.
Step 1
Apply an EPA-sanctioned pesticide to your lawn to eliminate insect larvae. These products are available at full service garden stores. Speak to a professional to decide which product is best for your lawn.
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Step 2
Spray animal repellent on your lawn. Repellents used to keep deer and rabbits away may work in a small area for skunks.
Step 3
Sprinkle cayenne pepper on your lawn. Skunks find their food by continuously sniffing, so they will inhale too much of the pepper, causing them to run away and not return.
Step 4
Put chicken wire around porches and sheds. The chicken wire will make it impossible for the skunks to dig holes for hibernating or raising their young.
Step 5
Call animal control to remove the skunk from your property. If you do not feel comfortable using chemicals or any of the other remedies, call an animal control experts, who will come to your home and remove the animals for a fee.
Make sure your garbage can is tightly secured so skunks cannot smell it and come to your lawn to eat the garbage.
Pesticides used to kill lawn pests can be harmful to humans and wildlife. Follow their directions carefully.
Use caution at all times when dealing with skunks. Not only will they spray you, but they may bite and carry rabies.
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