How to Linen Back a Poster

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Things You'll Need

  • Poster

  • Cardboard tube

  • Spray adhesive

  • Rice paper

  • Linen

  • Craft knife

  • Cutting board

  • Straight edge

Add linen to the back of the poster to protect the paper.

Adding linen to the back of a poster is an effective way to increase the value of the poster while preserving the paper. While mounting directly to linen may cause the poster to warp, adding a layer of rice paper between the poster and the linen is an ideal solution -- and a simple task you can complete in under an hour.


Step 1

Flatten a sheet of rice paper over a flat work surface and cover the top of the paper with spray adhesive. Apply an even layer while holding the can 10 to 12 inches away.

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Step 2

Roll the poster around a cardboard tube with the backing exposed. Unroll the back of poster evenly over the rice paper, flattening it while applying pressure.

Step 3

Set the mounted rice paper aside and lay the linen flat on the work surface. Spray a thick application of spray adhesive over the entire surface of the linen while holding the can 10 to 12 inches away.

Step 4

Roll the poster with rice paper backing around the cardboard tube with the back side exposed. Unroll the poster over the linen and flatten the poster onto the linen while applying pressure. Allow the adhesive to dry for 20 minutes.


Step 5

Lay a straightedge along the edge of the poster. Cut along the outer edge of the poster with a craft knife to remove excess linen and rice paper from the perimeter of the mounted poster.


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