A good shower is an amenity that many people take for granted in their own homes, but those who live in a home with low water pressure or have a shower head with a water flow restrictor are unable to enjoy such an amenity. If you are installing a Peerless P88765 and are experiencing low water pressure, cleaning the connection and removing the flow restrictor will improve your pressure and provide a better showering experience.
Step 1
Gently pry the rubber gasket and filter screen out of the pipe end of the shower head with the screwdriver. Clean the screen to remove any debris buildup.
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Step 2
Press the screwdriver firmly on one side of the small plastic flow restrictor inside the pipe end of the shower head. The opposite side of the restrictor will lift out of the opening.
Step 3
Insert the screwdriver into the space under the flow restrictor and pry lightly to remove it from the shower head.
Step 4
Return the filter screen and rubber gasket to their original locations in the pipe end of the shower head, then reinstall the shower head.
Not all versions of a specific model include a flow restrictor, and a used shower head may have been installed with the parts already removed. If the screen or restrictor is not present, purchase a shower head specifically designed to aerate the water and increase pressure.
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