Things You'll Need
Fence posts
Post hole digger
Table saw
Tape measure
Power screwdriver
2.5-inch deck screws

Installing a fence in your yard can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as keeping your pets or children in the yard, keeping unwanted visitors out or just improving the appearance of your property. The process of staggering the fence during the building process takes place when you install the fence rails. With staggered rails, each fence post will have the least possible number of joints. This will help you to build a sturdier fence that withstands the test of time.
Step 1
Plan to space your fence posts about 6 to 8 feet apart. Dig holes with a post hole digger so that one-third of the total length of the posts will be underground. Posts should be made of pressure-treated lumber.
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Step 2
Fill 1 to 2 inches of each hole with gravel for water drainage. Insert the posts. Pour dirt into the space around the post to secure it. Tamp the dirt with a hand tamper to compact.
Step 3
Cut your fence rails using a table saw and pressure-treated lumber. Measure carefully between posts to make sure you cut the fence rails to the appropriate size. Remember, the rails will be staggered so that each post gets the least amount of joints. This means that each rail should span across three posts, starting in the middle of each end post.
Step 4
Mark the posts using a tape measure and pencil to show the location of the rails. Get even measurements on all posts from the ground up.
Step 5
Install rails with a power screwdriver and 2.5-inch deck screws. Attach the top rail to the first post. Stretch it across the second post and then attach it to the third post over. For the second rail, start at the second post, cross the third post and attach to the fourth post. Continue staggering the rails in this fashion until all the posts are surrounded with rails.
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