Body piercings require secure jewelry, and ball-closure rings are a popular choice in both fresh and healed piercings. A ball-closure ring is also known as a captive-bead ring due to the shape and design. The jewelry consists of a metal loop and a small bead or ball. When tension is removed from the ring, the bead falls out. When closed, tension from the ring holds the bead in place securely. Opening a ball-closure ring requires a pair of inverse pliers. These tools grip the ring securely during opening, preventing damage to the piercing during jewelry changes.
Step 1
Wash your hands and the piercing site thoroughly. This prevents any lingering lymph or irritants from being pulled into your piercing as you change the jewelry.
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Step 2
Hold the ball-closure ring between your thumb and forefinger, cupping your hand underneath to prevent the ball from dropping.
Step 3
Insert the inverse pliers into the center of the ball closure ring. Squeeze the pliers gently to open them and settle the ring into the grooves on the pliers.
Step 4
Squeeze the pliers gently and slowly until the ball drops out of the center of the ball closure ring to open.
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