Things You'll Need
Soft tape measure
1/2-inch-wide ribbon
Green crepe paper streamers, 30 to 50 yards

Make a crepe paper grass skirt for a luau party, Hawaiian-themed birthday celebration or a Halloween costume. The skirt is easy to make and you can use a length of ribbon for the waistband for a skirt that will last. You can purchase the supplies for the skirts and then use the grass skirt project as an activity at a children's birthday party or make the skirts ahead of time and hand them out to guests.
Step 1
Measure the circumference of the child or adult's waist just beneath the belly button. Add about 24 inches and cut a piece of ribbon to this length.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Make a mark on the strip of ribbon 12 inches in from each short end. These ends are the ties for the skirt.
Step 3
Measure from the waist to the length you would like the skirt. Multiply this number by two and cut your crepe paper into strips of this length. You need approximately five strips for every 2 inches of the waist circumference.
Step 4
Fold one crepe paper strip in half and knot the fold over the ribbon waistband. Repeat to add each strip of crepe paper to the grass skirt. Fill the entire waistband in between the marks you made on the ribbon.
Step 5
Wrap the grass skirt around the child or adult. Tie the ribbon ends in a bow to keep the skirt secured.
Instead of folding the strips in half and knotting them over the ribbon, you can cut strips equal to the length you would like the skirt, and glue the top of each strip to the underside of the ribbon. Let the glue dry and then try on the skirt.
Video of the Day