Things to Do for Your 28th Birthday Besides a Party

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While not greeted with the fanfare reserved for major milestone birthdays, the 28th birthday is certainly not one that you should let slip by without some type of celebration. That doesn't necessarily mean a party; there are other ways to commemorate this date. To make your 28th birthday a memorable one, select a less common celebration option.


Create a Top 28 List

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Ask a few friends to help you craft a list of 28 things that you want to do during the next year. This list could include things like "Run a 10K" or "Perform a stand-up comedy routine." While you certainly get veto rights, allow your friends to control this list as much as you can. Handing over this control increases the likelihood that the items on it will prove challenging and thrilling, making the experience of completing each item one that will stick with you.

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Take a Trip

Get away from it all for just a day or a whole week. If you only have a day to escape, seek a location approximately 28 miles away as your day trip destination. If you can dedicate more time, pick a place 280 miles away, making your journey a longer one but still tying it to the all-important number 28. Have your significant other or friends accompany you on this journey, or escape into solitude if you're looking for some quiet and reflection.


Reconnect with High School Friends

For many, turning 28 means being out of high school for 10 years. Take time on your birthday, or in the days surrounding it, to reconnect with the individuals with whom you may have lost contact. Select several friends from high school by flipping back through your yearbook. Send these individuals traditional letters, getting their old addresses from the Internet or inquiring as to their addresses through fellow friends on social networking sites. As a personal challenge, try to select 28 people to whom to write, making the number fitting for the birthday you are celebrating.


Pamper Yourself

Though 28 is hardly old, you may be starting to see the tell-tale signs of the passing years. If you feel the weight of your nearly three decades on the planet weighing down on your shoulders, use your birthday as an opportunity to help yourself relax. Head to a spa solo, or ask several friends to join you. Get a massage, facial and manicure, making yourself look fresh and new and preparing yourself to make your 29th year the best one yet.

