How to Recognize Woodchuck Sounds

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How to Recognize Woodchuck Sounds. Woodchucks are extremely chatty critters, so hearing and identifying the call of a woodchuck is a cinch, especially since some of the distinctive noises evoke how the woodchuck got its name.

Step 1

Observe the animal's behavior while he makes the sound. While feeding, woodchucks make "chuck-chuck" noises. This is the sound that gave the woodchuck its name.


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Step 2

Notice how the sound changes when the animal is alarmed. A woodchuck will emit a loud, high-pitched whistle to alert any surrounding animals about approaching danger. This shrill whistle is usually followed by a quieter whistle as it retreats to its burrow. These sounds gave the woodchuck another of its popular names: whistle pig.


Step 3

Exercise caution when you hear a woodchuck squeal; this usually indicates that it has been caught or injured by a predator. They will also make this sound when fighting with other woodchucks, and it often indicates that the animal is in pain.

Step 4

Differentiate between communication sounds and grooming sounds, with the latter sounding like grating or grinding. Like most rodents, the teeth of a woodchuck continually grow. If allowed to overgrow, the woodchuck will have trouble eating and grooming itself, so it habitually grinds its teeth to keep them trimmed.


Step 5

Listen for a low, quiet barking noise. Researchers have not yet identified a reason for this sound.

Step 6

Stop whatever you are doing when you hear a woodchuck hissing. This sound is generally defensive or aggressive and is intended to drive a away predators.


Woodchucks are most active during the early morning and late afternoon, so your best chances to hear a woodchuck call is during these times. Turn off your cell phone and don't use any other electronics while out in the wild. However, even when turned off, these devices can emit electromagnetic fields that can alert animals to your presence.


When researching animal calls, always note the various reasons why a particular animal makes certain sounds. If an animal is making aggressive noises, then you should recognize these as a sign to leave the area. Never approach or touch a wounded animal. Call your local animal control or animal rescue organization.


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