What Should You Serve As an Appetizer Before a Lobster Dinner?

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Serve drawn butter and fresh lemon juice with your lobster.
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The thought of a delicious lobster dinner is enough to make your mouth water, but preparing it is no simple matter. Beyond the perfect lobster preparation technique, you must come up with just the right dishes to serve before, alongside and after the lobster. Many appetizer options exist, sharing the common characteristic of being light, refreshing and mildly flavored -- essential to ensure they do not overwhelm the delicate flavor of the main course to follow.


Salad Starters

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Salads can be much more than a diet lunch. Put together a light, fresh, crunchy green salad to serve in small portions as an appetizer for your lobster dinner. Pour raspberry or balsamic vinaigrette over fresh mixed greens for a light, zesty starter. A mixture of fresh citrus fruits and melon is another refreshing appetizer salad for a lobster meal -- serve it plain or with a little poppy seed dressing for a tangy-sweet taste. Steer clear of starchy vegetables or heavy dressings, to avoid leaving your dinner guests feeling too full.

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Cold Soups

Instead of regular soup appetizers you chill in the refrigerator, offer refreshing, cool, creamy soups intended to be served cold. Although not a common starter in U.S. seafood restaurants, cold fruit soups are a tasty lead-in to a rich, filling lobster dinner. A cool, tangy lemon soup, mixed melon-ball broth or Hungarian-style creamy cherry soup offers a lively, fresh alternative to traditional broths or consomme, without being too filling. Or, serve a cool, creamy cucumber soup instead. Sprinkle your soups with a dash of nutmeg or cinnamon, or garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.


Eat Your Veggies

From simple raw veggies with a creamy dip to steamed broccoli or sugar snap peas, crisp, fresh vegetables provide a healthy, flavorful appetizer for the heavier main dish to follow. Serve broccoli and cauliflower florets or strips of red, yellow and green bell peppers with a light ranch dressing as a dip. For a hot alternative, steam a mixture of your favorite vegetables and season lightly with sea salt and coarsely ground pepper. Add color interest by sprinkling a little paprika over the vegetables just before serving.


Breads and Biscuits

As with salads, breads are not restricted to serving alongside the main dish. Cheesy garlic biscuits or crispy garlic bread sticks offer diners a simple, full-flavored starter option. You can also use phyllo dough or wonton wrappers as the basis for a variety of appetizers that are ideal starters for a lobster dinner. Fill the wrappers with herbed cream cheese, shredded carrots and cabbage or small balls of seasoned ground sausage. Quick-fry or bake them to a delicate golden-brown and serve with several dipping sauce choices.


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