Household Chemicals to Get Rid of Ladybugs

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Ladybugs are primarily identified by their shape and coloration.

The Asian Lady Beetle – commonly known as the ladybug -- is a non-native variety of insect that has no natural predators in North America. Asian Lady Beetles are attracted to locations with strongly contrasting colors – black shutters on white paneling, for example. During cold weather the ladybug is attracted to warm areas – including houses and sheds -- where it can shelter through the cold months. Lady beetles frequently congregate on exterior areas with strongly contrasting colors prior to invading the building's interior.


Household Pesticides

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There are several types of household pesticide that can control ladybugs effectively. These chemicals include Spectracide's Triazicide, Advanced Powerforce Multi-Insect Killer by Bayer and Home Defense Max by Ortho. These chemicals are designed for outdoor use only and are designed for use as a pesticidal spray. These chemicals use one of several different active ingredients including bifenthrin, cyfluthrin and pyrethrin. They are designed for use in conjunction with a sprayer and are available in concentrated and pre-mixed forms. Ladybugs found in the home are also susceptible to most types of insect fogger.


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Common Chemicals

In addition to pesticidal sprays and foggers, there are several alternative methods of chemical control that are effective for killing ladybugs. One effective method of ladybug control is Borax. This common household cleaning chemical consists of a white powder that kills insects after they come in contact with it. Using this chemical in areas where ladybugs are likely to enter the home is an effective method for denying them entry. Diatomaceous earth is another form of alternative pest control that is useful for killing ladybugs. This chemical is a powder made from fossilized algae; it is an effective outdoor barrier treatment against many other types of insect as well.



The most effective method for controlling ladybugs is to prevent them from entering the home. Some common points of entry for ladybugs are cracks and opening around siding, windows, doors and roofing. Sealing these areas with caulk will prevent ladybugs from entering the home. Applying chemical barrier treatments to these areas is also an effective preventative treatment against ladybug infestation. Another effective method of preventative ladybug control is to monitor exterior areas of the home with sharply contrasting colors for ladybugs and to apply pesticidal sprays to those areas when they appear.



Ladybugs often infest interior areas of the home including the inside of walls and other areas where chemical foggers cannot reach. Sprays and foggers are generally not recommended for use against ladybugs that are already in the home due to their toxic nature. Since ladybugs killed in the home with a chemical spray or fogger still require physical removal, it is generally easier to remove them without using chemicals.

