Ideas on What to Do for Him on His Birthday

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Bake a birthday cake for your guy and help him to make his birthday wishes come true.

Make your guy's next birthday an extra special event. With some creativity, you can incorporate birthday surprises from breakfast until dinner. Show your guy just how much you care by organizing activities that are sure to make him smile. Don't forget to let his family and friends know about your plans so they will be able to participate in the party fun, too.


Prepare Breakfast in Bed

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The birthday pampering can begin first thing in the morning when you treat your guy to breakfast in bed.

Let your guy start his day with some pampering as you bring him breakfast in bed. Prepare all of his favorite breakfast foods for him, including such items as pancakes, eggs and bacon. Also be sure to bring him a glass of orange juice. You can put a birthday candle in a muffin for him, and you can sing to him as you bring in his breakfast tray.

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Treat Him to a Guy's Day

On his birthday, make sure you plan activities that are geared to your guy's interests. If he loves sports, then buy tickets to the big game. If he enjoys fishing, then grab the fishing supplies and help him to catch dinner. You can take a trip to the movies to see the show he's been talking about for weeks, or you can even surprise him with concert tickets to see his favorite band.


Sweet Treats

Take the time to bake your guy a batch of his favorite cookies or prepare his favorite dessert, and surprise him by taking these treats up to his office during the lunch hour. Be sure you take enough so that he can share with his co-workers and friends. You can put the treats in a decorative tin and be sure to add a colorful bow to the top of your gift.


A Birthday Massage

Break out the massage oils and lotions. For his birthday, give your guy some relaxing time with a massage. You don't have to be a professional masseuse for your man to enjoy the massage; instead, just take your time and try to work any tension from the birthday guy's back.


Surprise Time

If your guy is the social type, then plan a surprise birthday party for him. Invite his friends over and prepare snacks that everyone can enjoy. For a large group, you can order pizzas or even prepare hot dogs. The gang can join together in the celebration and your guy will know that you cared enough to organize the party for him.

