Caulking around a bathtub creates a clean, finished appearance in crevices and seams in the bathroom, and also assists in waterproofing. Caulking is commonly available in acrylic latex and silicone varieties. Acrylic latex caulking does not have the odors that silicone caulking can sometimes produce as it dries, and is paintable, but may shrink as it dries. Silicone caulking is durable, fast-drying and completely waterproof. Bathroom caulks can also contain additives to assist in mold and mildew resistance.
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Clear caulking keeps your caulk lines clean and neat. This translucent sealant can be used in and around all bathroom fixtures, including bathtubs, to camouflage the application. Clear caulking is available in both silicone and acrylic-latex varieties. Most clear silicone caulks will both apply and dry clear, though some varieties of acrylic latex caulking will apply white and take up to a week to dry into the clear film.
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Made to match the most common bathroom fixture finishes, white caulking is widely available from a variety of manufacturers in acrylic latex and silicone. White caulking can sometimes be made in different glosses--always check to ensure your tubes match before leaving the store or starting your project at home. White caulking creates a clean, crisp appearance around your bathtub, and matches many decor options throughout the bathroom.
Almond, biscuit, bisque, bone, beige, off-white...there are a plethora of names for another common color of bathroom fixture. No matter what you call it, caulking manufacturers commonly make a not-quite-white shade to match these bathtubs. Off-white caulking also makes a nice compliment in bathrooms with more natural colored tile or fixtures as it does not have the stark appearance and contrast that bright whites can create.
Many plumbing fixture manufacturers also make their own caulking to match the finish colors on their products. Kohler offers nine colors to complement their bathtub assortment, everything from Innocent Blush to Black Black. The Onyx Collection manufactures color-matched silicone caulking to complement each of their over 50 colors of tub surrounds. If the walls around your bathtub are tiled, another color-matched option comes from the makers of ceramic tile grout; many, including Custom Building Products and Mapei, offer colors of caulking to complement their own product line.