High School Senior Night Ideas

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Whether it's an event dedicated to senior sports players or members of the senior class in general, senior night is an evening dedicated to honoring seniors and celebrating their achievements. There are many ways to make senior night a special evening that students and other members of the school are sure to remember.



Video of the Day

Senior night is a special occasion that deserves some festive decorations. Show off some school spirit by using decorations that embrace the official school colors. Anything from table cloths and table settings to balloons and streamers can feature the school colors. Other decorative pieces can be dedicated to celebrating the students. For example, display collages created from collections of photographs of the students from throughout their high school careers.


Video of the Day


Beginning senior night with a celebratory banquet allows the students and faculty to feast upon good food, enjoy each other's company and set an energetic, nostalgic spirit for a remarkable night. Serve dishes that are sure to please many people and are well-suited for serving a crowd, such as fresh salad, a variety of breads, lasagna, and platters of pastas. Don't forget dessert: invite students to bring cookies, brownies and other sweets for an assortment of treats.


Speeches and Awards

Senior night speeches are perhaps the most important part of the evening. Coaches pay homage to their teams with speeches that describe highlights from the season and detail the strengths of the seniors on the team. The coaches can also present awards or gifts, such as sport memorabilia with the school's emblem, to their senior players. Senior nights that reach beyond just the sports teams often include speeches, too. Members of the student government can outline high points of their classes' high school years. Teachers and faculty can describe stellar performances on tests or in the classroom and may also present awards or other gifts to their students.



A slideshow guarantees an emotional and meaningful finish to the evening. Before the event, students should collect photographs for their fellow students. Be sure to include a range of events, including pictures from the school day, classroom activities, lunch time, pep rallies, dances, sporting events, parties, the prom and other key parts of the high school experience. Along with showing off a variety of pictures of seniors, pair the slide show with some touching tunes, such as the school song, alma mater or other graduation songs.

