Senior Week Ideas for High School

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Image of a high school student.
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Celebrate your last days in high school with exciting and interactive senior activities. Senior week activities involve the entire class during this celebratory yet bittersweet period. From enjoying a picnic by the lake to reminiscing about past memories at a senior pep rally, aim to involve as many seniors in each activity as possible.


Senior Pep Rally

Video of the Day

Hold a pep rally for seniors the last week of school. Have the seniors create a singing, dance or cheer routine to perform individually or with a group of friends. Play trivia games with questions pertaining to the past four years of school. Show a presentation of pictures of the seniors throughout high school hanging out with their friends, in classes and special moments such as homecoming and prom. If you have access to it, include video footage as well photos. Hand out mock awards such as most likely to succeed or best couple.

Video of the Day

Senior Picnic

Have the junior class host a senior picnic for the graduating seniors in the final days. With the help of the senior class adviser and the junior class, select a park. Bring food. Ask each student to bring a wrapped gift for a drawing. For the drawing, each person places a gift in the gift pile and draws a number from a basket. The person who draws No. 1 first selects a gift, but then No. 2 gets to decide whether he wants the gift No. 1 drew or a new present. Each person has this option, but a gift can be "stolen" only three times, then it stays with that recipient.


Senior Silliness

Plan a safe but memorable project or prank so your class will be remembered. Enlist a teacher to help with your idea. Some memorable projects include planting the state flower in the shape of your class year on school grounds (with the school's permission), writing your class year on willing students' cars in mild soap, or making small bookmarks with "Class of (year) was here" to hand out to students.


Senior Sunrise/Sunset

When senior year begins, have all the seniors come to school for an early breakfast and eat treats such as waffles and muffins while watching the sunrise. This event allows seniors to bond at the beginning of the year and form a sense of unity. Similarly, at the end of the year, the seniors should convene again in the evening to watch the sunset and eat dinner together. Underclassman can prepare a dinner such as pizza or hamburgers.


Kiss a Senior Goodbye

Raise money during the last week of school for a specified school club by sponsoring a Kiss a Senior Goodbye fundraiser, where any student or teacher can pay a dollar or another specified amount to write a goodbye message on a card to any graduating senior. In a specified class period, often homeroom, the senior will receive the written message along with a small bag of Hershey's Kisses.


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