Celebration Ideas for 30 Years at a Job

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Celebrate 30 years of success with co-workers.

Employees are often considered long-term in a job if they remain in the same job for five years. Having the same job for 30 years is six times that accomplishment -- definitely an occasion that calls for celebration. Whether you are the honored employee or a colleague has been with the company for three decades, do something special to remember the day.



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Gathering workers, and perhaps a supervisor or two, at a restaurant is one way to celebrate an employee's longevity. If you can, reserve a private room or section of the restaurant away from the noise and bustle of other diners to make the experience feel more special and intimate. Have other workers chip in to cover the cost of the employee's meal, and don't let her see the check. Although it's a less common option, another way to celebrate is to have a meal at someone's home. If you're going to a restaurant, see if you can find one that has the number 30 somewhere in the address.


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Having a party at the office -- or a separate location -- is another idea that can be used to celebrate 30 years on the job. Although it's up to the planners to determine if it should be a surprise, consider the effect such a party may have on the guest of honor. If you know he doesn't care for surprise parties, let the person know about it in advance. Consider decorating with items that were popular 30 years ago, or eating foods that were all the rage during that time. Play party games that reigned in the days when the guest of honor was first starting his job.



Baking or buying a cake for the worker with 30 years under her belt is a celebration the entire office can share. Include a special message on it, and let everyone take a break from work while they enjoy the desert. Sweet finger foods include doughnuts, cupcakes or pastries. Chose cake messages or toppers that contain the number 30 or say things like "Happy 30th anniversary." Depending on the honoree, you might say, "Here's to the next 30 years!"



Going out for drinks is time-honored way of celebrating work-related matters. Don't drink on the job; save the libations for a more appropriate atmosphere. Go to a bar or restaurant and order the guest of honor's favorite drink, or create one yourself and name it after the worker celebrating 30 years on the job. You might serve a drink that was popular 30 years ago, or play drinking games that are 30 years old.
