Giving out awards for a special event or at the end of a year is a way to commemorate the relationships you have built with others and to recognize hard work. For a laugh, however, give out awards that poke fun at other people's habits or personalities. Give "Most Likely" awards, which predict future accomplishments based on present circumstances, as funny awards for your coworkers, organization members or classmates.
Most Likely to Get Famous by Accident
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Some people have star quality. Others attract attention without seeking it out. Give this award to the person who makes people laugh with his unusual quirkiness, or the person who always creates useful inventions for the office. This award would also be appropriate for the person everyone always talks about no matter what he does. When presenting this award, name the reasons why you feel this person deserves to be called the person most likely to get famous by accident.
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Most Likely to Take Over Apple
A lot of organizations have that one person who owns every Apple product ever made. From iPod's, iPad's, MacBooks and even Apple TV, these Apple lovers are up on all the new technology. Reward someone's love for the Apple brand by recognizing the likelihood that they take over the company one day. For added fun, create a trophy in the shape of an iPod and write his name and award title on the screen.
Most Likely to Live in the Woods
Some people would rather go hiking than to a concert. Additionally, one may own more pairs of Birkenstocks than Nikes. Recognize her love for nature with a reward as the person most likely to live in the woods. As an added joke, present her with a copy of Henry Thoreau's "Walden," which describes the writer's time living alone at Walden Pond. Create a trophy out of twigs and leaves to make her laugh even more.
Most Likely to Have a Sandwich Named After Him
Some people are always the center of attention and seek ways to make things better for other people. These people are ambitious, yet are seen as making an impact on the community. Local community delis often name sandwiches after people who have given back to the community. Carnegie Deli in New York City created "The Melo" sandwich after basketball player, Carmelo Anthony, for example. Foreshadow his future recognition with an award for being the most likely to have a sandwich named after him. Make a sandwich-shaped trophy and name it the "The Josh," for example, and include a list of ingredients. Or, you can create a "PB&Jake," which incorporates the winner's name into traditional sandwich names.