In many areas of the U.S., snakes are very common. As housing developments expand into natural habitat areas, more homeowners are having to deal with these unwelcome reptilian guests. Snakes like to go into dark, cool areas, and a garage is typically a place where they will seek shelter. Specific actions should be taken in the event that a snake does enter your garage.
Remain Calm
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While difficult, you must remain calm once you have determined that a snake is in your garage. Small children should be removed from the area and loud noises or screaming should be discouraged. These sounds may agitate an already frightened snake. Snakes are not inherently vicious creatures; they are much more scared of you than you are of them. A frightened and cornered snake will be much more likely to lash out than one that is treated calmly.
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Determine if the Snake is Venomous
Before removing the snake on your own, you should first determine whether or not the snake is venomous. Unless you have a good idea of the kinds of snakes in your area by sight, you can use a few simple rules to help you determine if a snake is indeed poisonous. Vipers or snakes that paralyze their victims by injecting venom will typically have heads that are triangular in shape. Other poisonous snakes will be very brightly colored. If you have any concern that a snake may be dangerous or poisonous, call your local animal control office. They can send a professional to help you remove the snake.
Make It Easy for the Snake to Leave
Most snakes do not like a lot of ruckus and, if given the opportunity, will leave the way they came in once they have been discovered. Open a door on the garage and leave the area, which will give the snake time to leave on its own accord, and most will. Check back in the garage after an hour to see if the snake has left. If it has, seal up any entry points to prevent this from occurring in the future, and keep the doors to the garage shut when not in use.
Remove the Snake
If the snake will not leave on its own, you'll need to help it along. Do not attempt to kill the snake unless there is no other choice. Calling in a professional is better than simply killing the snake. Pick up a long rake or garden hoe, and approach the snake calmly and quietly. Place the rake in front of the snake, and slide it underneath it. Pick the snake up, walk outside and place it in the grass. It will slither off once it is free. If the snake resists your efforts to remove it, call in a professional.