Natural Insect Repellent Shampoo

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When making shampoo, choose therapeutic grade essential oils.

Many commercial beauty products, including insect repellent shampoos, contain drying alcohol and harsh chemicals that strip hair of natural oils and damage healthy hair follicles. It is easy to make your own shampoo that will ward off insects and leave hair shiny, clean and sweet smelling.


Repel Insects With Lavender

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Fields of lavender attract bees and butterflies.

Treasured for centuries for its aromatic, culinary and medicinal qualities, lavender is native to Spain, North Africa, Portugal and mountainous areas of the Mediterranean. Lavender is a hardy perennial plant found in United States hardiness zones 5 through 11. The plant presents a silvery-green, feathery foliage with brilliant purple flowers.


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Traditionally lavender has been used in embalming, to purify the air and to repel insects. Highly aromatic, lavender presents a crisp herbaceous, floral fragrance that human find most appealing. However, the essence emitted by the plant is nature's protection. Predatory insects, that could damage the plant, find the odor repulsive. Dried lavender buds and lavender essential oil are used in insect repellent products, including shampoos.


Lavender Shampoo

Massage shampoo into hair roots to remove oils and dust.

For hair that is lustrous, clean and contains properties to repel insects, mix two tbs. of baking soda, one tbs. spoon organic honey with enough white vinegar to make a paste. Add 15 to 20 drops of lavender essential oil and apply to hair, massaging the mixture into the scalp. Rinse well with clear water. Towel dry and style as usual.


Add 20 to 30 drops of lavender essential oil to 1 oz. of organic baby shampoo. The mixture is safe for all hair types of both adults and children. The mixture is an excellent pet shampoo, repelling ticks, fleas and mosquitoes.


There are over 3,000 different species of mint. Mint is effective in repelling mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas, bedbugs, mites, cockroaches, beetles and spiders. Aromatic mint contains a natural essence that insects dislike. While the scent is pleasant to humans, insects avoid the aroma.


Add 20 to 30 drops of spearmint or peppermint essential oil with 1/4 cup of Castile liquid soap and 1/4 cup of almond oil. Blend well and store in an air-tight container. Use as you would any other shampoo.


Rosemary, sage, thyme and lemongrass contain insect repellent properties.

Citronella, the primary ingredient in the majority of commercial insect repellent shampoos, is highly effective in deterring bothersome insects. Add 10 to 15 drops of citronella oil to 1/3 cup pomegranate oil, 1 tbs. baking soda, and 6 oz. of Castile liquid soap. Blend well. To enhance the fragrance, add 3 to 6 drops of rosemary essential oil to the mixture. Store in a sealed container.


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