Goose Manure Uses

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Nutrient-rich goose manure could be put to use as a plant fertilizer.

The presence of geese could create a problem in some parks and in areas near the water. The birds' manure tends to accumulate to the extent that it creates a nuisance. You can deal with the issue in different ways. For instance, you can use dogs to chase the birds away. However, you can also take advantage of the goose manure and put it to beneficial use.


Goose Manure Accumulation

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Geese tend to cluster in areas such as parks. The birds' droppings pile up quickly and pose a problem. For instance, the excrement of 10 geese everyday can add up to 7,000 lbs. of goose droppings a year. This means that 100 geese a day could lead to 70,000 lbs. of manure a year. Besides presenting obstacles for park visitors, these massive amounts of waste can negatively affect water quality in adjacent streams.

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One way to put goose manure to good use is as a fertilizer for plants. The manure is rich in nutrients and aids the growth of different plants, including cabbages, turnips and tomatoes. There are different ways of combining the goose manure to get a good fertilizing impact. One way is to mix the manure with leaves in equal proportion. Another is to mix together the manure with leaves and coffee grinds.



Composting is the process whereby the goose manure is broken down by the action of organisms such as bacteria to produce compost. Combine the goose manure with mulched leaves, using about 100 lbs. of leaves with about 9 lbs. of goose manure. Composting is a way to use the goose manure to beneficial use and helps stop the spread of disease and control pollution. Composting could also help control the erosion process.



Another use for goose manure is in the generation of energy. A Canadian firm has come up with a process whereby they convert goose manure to pellets that can be used to fuel wooden stoves. According to Greenergy, the pellets don't create an odor. However, they burn faster than wood. The goose pellets can also be a way to supplement the heat from a wood fire.

