Grapevines thrive in warm areas with full sunlight exposure. Improper cultural practices make the plants susceptible to fungal diseases that thrive in wet and humid climates. Although prevention is a better idea, control through regular fungicide applications keeps the entire vine from turning brown, rending the crop useless.
Cane and Phomopsis Leaf Spot
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Caused by the Phomopsis viticola fungus, cane and phomopsis leaf spots occur during wet, rainy and cool weather. The fungus overwinters in canes and infects new leaves in spring. Symptoms include spots on lower leaves and canes, stem clusters and petioles exhibit elongated, brown lesions measuring ¼ inch in length. Treat the infected grapevine parts with a registered fungicide.
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Downy Mildew
Caused by the fungus Plasmopara viticola, downy mildew is a serious grape disease causing severe crop loss if untreated. The spores overwinter in diseased leaves on the ground and spread in spring through rain or irrigation water. Initial symptoms include tiny, yellow lesions and spots on leaves. If left untreated, the spots cover the entire leaf surface, turning the leaf brown and withering it. The lower sides of leaves have a gray or white growth, and cane tips may appear twisted. Treat the disease with a registered fungicide.
Black Rot
Caused by the Guignardia bidwellii fungus, black rot is a common disease in Canada and parts of eastern United States. Symptoms include 1/8 to ¼ inch wide black or brown lesions on the foliage. Developing fruit wilts and falls prematurely. Treating grapevines with foliar sprays controls black rot disease.
Heat Wave
Although grapevines thrive in warm areas, a prolonged heat wave coupled with scarce water stresses the plant, causing the foliage to shrivel and droop. If high temperatures continue and irrigation or rainfall water remain insufficient, the leaves turn brown and the canes shrivel and dry. Provide young grapevines 1 inch of water every week during the spring and summer, and mature grapevines 7 gallons of water during summer fruiting. After the grapevines finish flowering, provide the plants 4 gallons of water every four days. During the winter, water the grapevines when the top 2 inches of soil feels dry.
Grow the plants in well-draining soil with good air circulation. Removing plant debris from around the plants prevents fungi from overwintering. Pruning the plants annually controls growth and size. Using a soaker hose for irrigation prevents wetting the foliage.