As evidenced by the popularity of Blackbeard, and Captain Jack Sparrow of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, people are fascinated with pirates. Children especially are intrigued by the sea-faring voyagers' lives, down to the use of common pirate lingo. The occasional "Aaarrrggghhh!" often can be heard at children's pirate-themed birthday parties. In addition to themed games and decorations, set the tone for the party with pirate sayings fit for the occasion.
Pirate Lingo
Video of the Day

To come up with pirate birthday sayings, you first become familiar with stereotypical pirates' distinctive language. In place of "my," use "me," and substitute "thar" for "there" and "ye" for "your." No pirate party would be complete without "Aaarrrggghhh," "Ahoy, matey" and "Yo ho ho." Jolly Roger is the ominous black pirate flag with the skull and crossbones, and a scallywag is a scoundrel or troublemaker. Refer to ships, cannons, swords, treasure and other prominent things in a pirate's lifestyle. Invitations or banners might sum up the day stating, "Yo ho ho, 'tis a pirate's life for (name)."
Video of the Day

Kids and adults will enjoy reading the party invitation in a lively pirate's voice. Try "Ahoy, matey! Cap'n (name) requests ye presence at her birthday celebration" Or try "Thar's been a Jolly Roger sighting up over the horizon. The ship's here to pick up ye landlubbers for the joyful celebration of the birthday of Cap'n (name)." Include celebratory phrases like, "Well, blow me down and shiver me timbers! Aye, 'tis a special time indeed." Or try "Fire the cannons, ye buccaneers!" Describe the planned party activities by saying "Thar'll be plenty o' good grub for all ye lads and lasses. We'll be makin' our own black flags and go searchin' for treasure." A clever rhyme can invite guests to come dressed as pirates: "Thar's so many riches and treasures untold, for (name) is turnin' (number) years old. Put on ye pirate garb and come aboard. All ye lily-livered scallywags will walk the plank and drop ye swords." Conclude with "Hope to see you thar! Aaarrrggghhh!"
Birthday Cards

Create your own birthday card sayings that carry on the pirate theme. These might include "Cheers to ye birthday boy (or girl)! Now, draw ye sword and cut ye cake." Or try "Fire the cannons and raise the Jolly Roger! Happy birthday, matey!" Impress friends and family with creative rhyming skills: "Ahoy, matey! 'Tis a special day. Here's wishing all the treasure in the world finally comes ye way" or "Aaarrrggghhh! Let's celebrate the life of Cap'n (name) today. Thar's plenty o' treasure and best birthday wishes coming her way."
Creative Sayings

On the invitations, accompany pirate birthday sayings with objects such as a treasure map to the party location. Mark the party location with a big "X" and write "I hear thar's gold up in that thar place. Follow the treasure map and meet Cap'n (name) on (date) at (time) to uncover untold riches and a generous pirate's booty in celebration of his birthday." The inside of a birthday card might contain chocolate coins with gold wrappers and say "Thar's gold in this here card, so hurry and open up" on the outside, and "But the best treasure of all is having you as me friend. Happy birthday, Cap'n (name)!" on the inside.