Club Installation Theme Ideas

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Welcoming a new member
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The installation of new officers in your club is a major event in the life of your group that should be celebrated and honored. Having an installation ceremony can help to ease leadership changes and make the new officers feel more official. The new officers installation ceremony can reflect themes appropriate for your club.


Passing the Torch

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Passing the torch
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Installing new officers means that you are also honoring outgoing officers. It is a time for passing the torch. In an outdoor, evening installation ceremony Tiki torches or play torches can be used in the ceremony. As the old officers announce the new officers, they pass their torches to them to make the transition official. The evening is completed with a luau and bonfire for the club's members and officers.

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Office Gatherings

Office gathering
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Some clubs like to complete their installation ceremonies during a regular business meeting. Use a theme that is appropriate for an office setting by surrounding the conference room with tag board displays featuring a photograph and brief biographical statement on the outgoing and incoming officers. The meeting facilitator briefly introduces each officer and presents her with a ribbon honoring her achievements. A mixer with light refreshments can be held after the installation so that members can become more acquainted with their new officers.


A Fancy Night Out

Group celebrating at a posh restaurant
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Creating a fancy night out is one way to make the installation of officers an extra special event. The proceedings are held at an upscale restaurant over dinner. Awards are given to members in the club and the outgoing officers give a speech prior to welcoming and installing the new officers into their positions within club leadership. Live music and dancing after the ceremony can be included in this theme.


Musical Fun

Group of men singing a funny song
Image Credit: Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Clubs are often ripe with a variety of members boasting a diversity of personalities. Using music during officer installation is one way to add some humor into the seriousness of club affairs. A theme song is chosen to introduce each outgoing and incoming officer and CD's featuring all of the songs are handed out to all club members in attendance following the ceremonies.

