Valentine's Day is not just a day to spend with your spouse or significant other. It is a day to celebrate the love you have for your friends and family as well. If you are a looking to buy a gift for the 17-year-old in your life, there are plenty of ideas that will help you find the right gift.
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Clothing is a great gift idea for the teenager who is concerned with his appearance. Most department stores have Valentine's Day-themed clothing that makes a great gift, such as T-shirts or pajamas. Or, if you want to spend a little additional money on a gift, look for companies that personalize clothing for you. Some shoe companies give you the ability to build your own shoes. Or look for a company, such as UJeans, that allows to you completely customize a pair of jeans just for your 17-year-old.
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Although jewelry is usually the preferred Valentine's gift for the romantic, it also makes a great gift for the teenager in your life. Heart-shaped necklaces or bracelets are easy gifts to find around the holiday. If the heart is solid, you can have it engraved with the recipient's initials for a more personal touch. A promise ring is another option. Traditionally, the promise ring is given to symbolize the commitment to abstain from sex prior to marriage; however, it can also represent your teen's commitment to abstain from drugs and alcohol as well.
Old Standbys
One of the most common gifts for Valentine's Day is candy, and it is an easy alternative to other gift options. However, instead of the traditional heart-shaped box of candy, consider trying something different. Look for cookie bouquets or, for the teenager who does not enjoy traditional sweets, order an edible fruit bouquet. You can also create a gift basket filled with your 17-year-old's favorite candies. Another old standby is a bouquet of flowers. Have a bouquet of her favorite flowers delivered to her at school with a special message just from you to let her know that she is loved.
Gift Certificates
Unfortunately, many teenagers can be difficult to buy for. If you are at a loss about what exactly to buy, consider a gift certificate for his favorite clothing store or his favorite restaurant. Or create a small photo album filled with gift certificates for an array of different places. All the gift certificates can be for small amounts if you do not want to spend a lot.