Inground Pool With No Deep End Pros & Cons

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Inground pools with no deep end provide many positive and negative aspects.

Choosing the right kind of pool can be difficult without considering the pros and cons of your investment. Inground pools with no deep end can keep your new pool safe and enjoyable but might not be able provide all the benefits you're looking for when choosing a new place to swim.


Pro: Safety

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Safety is one of the biggest concerns for new pool owners. State laws concerning the availability of the pool to neighboring children expect the new pool to be gated and secure. An inground pool has no natural walls unless built, making it easier for small children to access the water. With a deep end there is a higher risk of drowning once a child or poor swimmer has fallen in.

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Pro: Maintenance

A deep end means more water and a deeper surface to clean. With no deep surfaces, it's much easier to clean the entire surface of the pool so that no microorganisms grow. An inground pool with no deep end also means less water consumption every time you have to refill your pool. No deep end to your pool will save you time in cleaning and hassle and money with water consumption.


Pro: Cost

Putting in a new inground pool means excavating your land. This is usually done with heavy machinery rented by the hour. If you're new pool's design has no deep end it is easier, less time consuming and cheaper to dig the hole before installation. The installation process is usually simpler as well. Adding a deep end to a pool's plans can complicate the work required to realize its completion.


Con: No Diving

An inground pool with no deep end means no diving. This is a big factor for adults using the pool. If the pool is primarily for children this is not an overwhelming consideration, but it will be less attractive to future owners of the pool if it's unable to satisfy more sophisticated swimmers.


Con: Loss of Possible Uses

A pool with no deep end can be very enjoyable, but there are some activities that the pool will not be able to be used for if there is not enough depth of water. Lap swimmers will not be able to do under water turnaround kicks off the pool's wall. With no deep end, dives for weighted objects become boring. Many therapeutic uses for home pools are now becoming popular. Water proof ankle weights are used for strengthening muscle and need a deep end for the legs to dangle in order to function properly.


Con: Less Investment Value

Pools are not only useful for fun and relaxation; they provide the home owner with a successful investment to their property. Inground pools symbolize a standard of upper class real estate. The addition of an inground pool with a deep end will, in most cases, increase the property value of your home more than an inground pool with no deep end.


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