The Apostle Paul teaches Christians ways to live Godly lives. In Ephesians 6:1, we are told, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Paul goes on in verses 2 and 3 to remind of us God's commandment from Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and mother." Crafts about obeying parents can help younger and older children understand that God expects us to obey and honor our parents.
Clay Pot Parent Gifts
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Children of any age can make gifts for their parents from clay pots. Have children paint two clay pots: one for Mom and one for Dad. Offer a variety of craft materials to glue onto their clay pots. Older children can use permanent markers to write the verse from Ephesians 6:1 on the top rim of the clay pots. Print typed strips of paper with the verse for younger children to glue onto their gifts. Put pencils or pens in a pot for Dad and real or plastic flowers for Mom.
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Promise to Obey - Wreath
Have children trace their handprints onto construction paper. Ask parents to visit the classroom and trace their handprints also. Children can cut out several of each handprint. Print "MOM", "DAD" and "(child's name)" onto each of the appropriate prints. Glue the prints onto a cardboard pizza circle or a paper plate, alternating prints of the parents and child, to finish the wreaths.
Obey and Share Treats
Have the children cover a tall potato chip can with wallpaper sample paper or another decorative paper. Print from the computer a label that says, "Obey your parents, for this is good." Include a letter encouraging parents to place a wrapped treat inside the can when the child obeys. When the can is filled, or when parents want to have a "together night", the family can enjoy sharing the treats while spending time together. The purpose of the craft is not to reward children for obeying but to build upon the concept of obeying and then having a family time together.
Following God's Word - Cooking Craft
Have children help fill a jar with ingredients to bake a cake or muffins, or to simply mix up some hot chocolate. Put the lid on the filled jar. Children can decorate a paper coffee filter with markers or crayons. Place the decorated coffee filter over the top of the jar and tie a ribbon around the filter and neck of the jar. Include a recipe with the mix. Discuss with children the importance of following God's Word in obeying our parents. Tell children they can use the recipe for instructions to make the food from the mix, just as they should use God's instructions on how to follow His Word.
Obey Parents Picture Frame
Have the children use any available craft materials to decorate a paper, foam or wooden picture frame. Kids can print the Bible verse on the frame or glue on a paper strip with the verse printed on it.