Birthday Gifts for 18 Year Old Boys

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Choose a cool gift for a boy's 18th birthday.
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Help an 18-year-old celebrate his birthday with a gift worthy of this milestone event in his life. The perfect gift for an 18-year-old depends largely on his personality, interests and hobbies. Turning 18 is often a turning point in a boy's life, as well. Buy him a gift that will help him with his future life goals, whether he is entering the work force or going off to college.


Personal Grooming

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Electric razor.
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Most 18-year-old guys have been shaving for at least a couple of years. But it's likely that he's still using a disposable razor to do it. Help him upgrade to some more sophisticated grooming equipment on his 18th birthday. Buy him a beard trimmer, electric razor or high-quality manual razor. Include some high-end shaving cream, along with aftershave and cologne.

Video of the Day

Travel Items

Buy a nice suitcase.
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Many 18-year-olds try to get in a little travel time between high school and college. If the guy you're shopping for has travel on the brain, get him some new travel gear. Purchase a durable duffel bag that can hold all of his necessities and can take a bit of a beating. Have it monogrammed with his initials. Find a cool passport holder if he's planning on going overseas. Other possible travel items you could buy are books that will tell him everything he needs to know about his destination.


House Items

Buy items for his dorm room.
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Many 18-year-olds will be heading off to college for the first time. While that means a dorm room for some, others might be living in apartments or houses. Either way, there are many items he will need. Buy him towels, dishes, sheets and other basic necessities. You can also purchase decorations for him, such as wall hangings, lamps and other items with his new school's logo on them.


Active Gifts

If he's always wanted to learn to play golf, buy him a set of clubs and a few lessons with a golf professional.
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Lots of 18-year-old boys enjoy being active. Consider buying him a new surfboard, skateboard, hiking boots or baseball glove. If he wants to learn a new sport, many places offer lessons to newbies. For example, if he's always wanted to learn to play golf, buy him a set of clubs and a few lessons with a golf professional.



You can't go wrong with electronics for teenage boys. Give him a video game system or a new video game. Another electronic gift is a digital camera or video camera to help him record memorable events in his life. A new MP3 player or accessories to go with the one he already has are also quality gifts.

